Hand Sanitizers
Our Sanitizers won't leave your hands dry and rough. Our Isopropyl Alcohol based Mist Hand Sanitizer with essential oil and pure scents. Each bottle consists of just over 70% Isopropyl Alcohol which is the recommendation from the CDC to effectively kill germs. The other less than 30% is a blend of Essential Oils, Hemp Seed Oil (Vitamin E), and Aloe Vera Juice. Our Mist is scented with pure Essential oils and or skin safe fragrance oils. The Hemp Seed Oil and Aloe Vera Juice helps to keep the skin from drying out with repetitive use, your hands will feel great with use. The alcohol can seem strong at first, but it doesn't last long and a beautiful aroma is left. We also use cobalt blue (BPA Free) bottles to protect the integrity of the oils against harmful UV rays that can break down essential oils. ALL of our hand sanitizers are manufactured in our shop in the USA. Our sanitizer contains 70% Isopropyl Alcohol which is over the CDC’s guidance of 60% or more.